Welcome to the heart of the Healthy Newborn Network (HNN), where our commitment to newborn health drives everything we do. Established as an online knowledge platform, HNN is dedicated to identifying, curating, and disseminating critical evidence and insights on the health and well-being of newborns and the families and communities that care for them.
Our Mission is Newborn Health
Of the estimated 2.3 million newborn deaths in 2022, almost 75 percent died in the first week of life. In 2019, almost a million newborn deaths occurred on the first day of life.
View All DataAn additional estimated 1.9 million stillbirths occur annually. The majority of deaths and stillbirths occur in low-resource settings, and most are preventable with proven and effective interventions.
adolescent birth rate-least developed countries
1 in 210
adult lifetime risk of maternal death globally
average global maternal mortality reduction
under-five deaths that are newborns globally

A pre-term baby is dried at the Pediatrics Department a hospital in Vietnam. (c) Save the Children
Unveiling Newborn and Maternal Health: Insights, Experts, and Solutions
Dive into the heart of newborn and maternal health. Explore critical issues, access the latest global data, and understand the interconnected ways a newborn and mother are impacted, all in one place. Go beyond information and journey towards understanding, empathy, and action for the well-being of newborns and mothers around the world.

A health care worker from Save the Children sees a patient in the Bari region, Somalia. (c) Save the Children
Global Health Leadership, Expertise, and Guidance
Save the Children has long been a leader in global health – we continue to bring our decades of maternal and newborn health expertise to develop HNN as a key knowledge platform for the global health community. Save the Children has been silently steering HNN as lead on the Saving Newborn Lives program since HNN’s inception in 2010; when the Saving Newborn Lives program ended in 2020, Save the Children stepped up to take full ownership, continuing to be a prominent voice for newborns and mothers globally.
HNN connects people working on ensuring the health and well-being of newborns and the families and communities that care for them to key resources, data, experiences, and lessons in an accessible, context-specific manner. It also provides a digital space to distill and disseminate local, regional, and global experiences to a professional audience.
Our Core Values
Guided by Evidence, United in Action
At HNN, we unite under a commitment to collaboration, a dedication to knowledge sharing, and a responsibility towards global advocacy for newborn and maternal well-being, driving impactful change in the landscape of newborn health.
Commitment to Collaboration
HNN values collaborative efforts, recognizing that impactful change requires the collective expertise and lived experiences of individuals, organizations, and communities worldwide.
Dedication to Knowledge Sharing
HNN is dedicated to fostering an accessible environment of continuous learning and knowledge exchange. We believe in the power of shared insights, evidence-based practices, and innovative ideas to drive advancements in newborn health.
Global Advocates for Newborns
HNN is a recognized global knowledge platform that supports advocacy efforts that advance newborn health. We commit to ensuring HNN remains a strong tool for our community, to raise awareness, influence policies, and mobilize support using evidence-based knowledge and data, ensuring that every newborn has the opportunity for a healthy and thriving start in life.
Leaders in Newborn Health
Meet our Experts
Discover the unparalleled credibility and leadership embodied by the experts who help curate our content and ensure our technical accuracy in the field of newborn health.

Dr. Steve Wall
Lead Advisor, Newborn Health
Dr. Steve Wall is a pediatrician, neonatologist, and public health expert with over 20 years’ experience in global health at Save the Children.

Dr. Goldy Mazia
Lead Advisor, Newborn Health
Dr. Mazia has over 30 years of experience in the health care field as a provider and administration in Colombia, South America, and the Negev desert of Israel; and 14 years as a public health practitioner and global technical leader in the field of child health, with a specific focus on newborn health.

Dr. Neena Khadka Basnet
Lead Advisor, Newborn Health
Dr. Neena Khadka Basnet, a pediatrician with over 30 years of experience in clinical and public health practices, began her career in 1987 with the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in Nepal.

Hilary Wartinger, MPH
Senior Advisor for Knowledge Management
Hilary Wartinger, MPH (she/her) leads the management team behind HNN, providing strategic direction and content oversight.
Our Story
The History of HNN
The History of HNN chronicles the evolution of the global community’s commitment to newborn health, highlighting key milestones, collaborative efforts, and the ongoing pursuit of knowledge and positive impact.
Evidence emerges of neonatal deaths being reduced through home-based care provided by community health workers.
The Saving Newborn Lives (SNL) program is born. The first program of it’s kind, it elevated newborn health and generated a movement that would span decades.
Healthy Newborn Network (HNN) launched – the first online platform dedicated to newborn health
Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP) passed as a resolution at the World Health Assembly
1st Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include a target to end newborn deaths
SNL program ends, international community discusses priorities for the future
Save the Children takes full ownership of HNN
HNN launches redesigned website, incorporating the full spectrum of issues that impact newborn and maternal health and well-being
Newborn Health Programs
HNN is proud to elevate global programs that have had a lasting impact on newborn health. These are just a selection of programs operated by Save the Children and other partners; others can be found in our resource library.

Saving Newborn Lives Legacy
Beginning in 2000, Saving Newborn Lives (SNL) was the first newborn health program of its kind, elevating the contribution of Save the Children and its partners in this area.
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USAID Kulawa
USAID Kulawa is the USAID Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced II (RISE II) Health Services Delivery activity in Niger (2020-2025), which works to improve access to and use of quality health services, strengthening ownership and management by communities, local government, and service providers. USAID Kulawa—meaning “to care for” in Hausa—strives to close the equity gap (the difference in abilities to access services) in maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH), family planning/ reproductive health (FP/RH), and nutrition service access and use, including for adolescents and youth.
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Saving Women and Preterm Babies (SWAP)
The Saving Women and Preterm Babies (SWAP) Project in Bangladesh and Uganda aims to increase the survival of small and sick newborns, as well as prevent and manage specific maternal health conditions which can result in mortality for pregnant women and result in preterm births. In both countries, SWAP utilizes innovative technologies, including the Vayu Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine and cutting-edge clinical decision-making tools (e.g., PRISMS in Uganda), as well as trainings and mentorships, to improve care for small, sick, and preterm newborns in health facilities. Trainings, mentorships, and quality improvement initiatives are also implemented in project facilities for the improvement of maternal health care, such as the identification and treatment of preeclampsia/eclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage. Finally, SWAP uses other technologies, such as NeoNatalie Live, and new packages, like Family-Centered Care (Bangladesh), to enhance trainings for health care providers. Overall, the SWAP project draws from the latest evidence and technology to save maternal and newborn lives.
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MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership
MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership (2019-2026) is part of a suite of awards funded by USAID which increase the capacity of partner institutions and local organizations to deliver quality, evidence-based maternal, newborn, and child health services, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health care in USAID partner countries. As a key consortium partner, Save the Children contributes to the overall aim of the program to holistically improve family planning and maternal, newborn, and child health in partner countries around the world. The project focuses on technical and capacity development assistance to ministries of health and other country partners to improve outcomes. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership builds upon existing evidence and best practices and catalyzes innovations that enable government-led partnerships to deliver high-quality, evidence-based interventions that accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child mortality and illness at scale. The project also contributes to global technical leadership, learning, and USAID’s policy dialogue to achieve global maternal, newborn, and child health, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health (MNCH/FP/RH) goals by supporting globally endorsed initiatives, strategies, frameworks, guidelines, and action plans.
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