Feb 23, 2022
Small and Sick Newborn (SSNB) | Prematurity | Breastfeeding | Intrapartum Care | Essential Newborn Care (ENC) | Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)
Healthy Newborn Network Launches #HNNTools Series

The Healthy Newborn Network is happy to announce the launch of the #HNNTools series to promote evidence-based implementation tools from our community that can help to advance maternal and newborn health worldwide. This series will highlight tools from partners that reflect the best information, practices, and guidance that can help newborns and their mothers to survive and thrive.
We will begin the series this week with a video from the Global Health Media Project Small Baby Series, which provides in-depth, visual demonstrations and information for healthcare workers and/or parents on best-practice care of babies born too small or too soon. This video series closely follows the Essential Care for Small Babies (ECSB) curriculum, a training program developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and based on the latest WHO guidelines. Over several months, we will highlight the full series of 27 videos, which cover key topics including essential care, skin-to-skin care, a small baby’s feeding journey from tube to cup to breast, and monitoring a small baby’s growth. The videos are available in multiple languages.
Be sure to visit our website and Twitter account @HealthyNewborns for this first video, and watch out for new #HNNTools in the months ahead!
If your organization would like to upload implementation tools to HNN or be featured in the #HNNTools series, please contact us or submit your tools via your member login page.
-HNN Team