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We’ve got a new look and feel!

The Healthy Newborn Network, known as HNN, is thrilled to present our brand new platform! Featuring a modern look, our redesigned website contains a refined resource library, a comprehensive data visualization tool and database, and a home for global experiences and stories in our blog.

Newborns and their mothers remain the center of HNN’s mission.A visual representation of the new health topics added to HNN, listed in the blog text.

We may have a whole new look, but we have not lost the essence of who we are; a learning platform that provides evidence-based knowledge to those working to ensure that newborns survive and thrive. As the global health world removes its silos and becomes more integrated, HNN is rising to this opportunity. We’ve expanded our content to include key health topics that affect newborns, mothers, and the families and communities that care for them. This includes resources and information that affect the health and well-being of newborns, their mothers, and caregivers – such as sexual and reproductive health, child and adolescent health, climate change, humanitarian response, water, sanitation, and hygiene, and nutrition, as well as the intersectional topics of gender, equity, and social and behavior change.

HNN brings information on these issues together in one place.

Knowledge belongs to everyone.

HNN believes that knowledge and information should be open to anyone who wants it. We’re putting this into practice by maintaining the most current and updated resource library as possible. We’ve combed our resource library to ensure all of our resources reflect the most current scientific information and local guidance. In respect to the past, we’ve created a resource archive, containing the wealth of learning from our 15-year history in newborn health.

Data is at the root of all decisions in public health. HNN was the first online platform to bring together global, country, and regional data related to newborn survival through our Newborn Numbers dataset and Chart Builder tool; we’ve improved upon the original.  The Chart Builder and Newborn Numbers have been integrated into one tool, to provide a unique digital repository of newborn-specific data, with enhanced accessibility and modern data visualization.

To further expand access to important newborn health information, we’ve gone multi-lingual! HNN can now be viewed in Spanish, French, and Arabic, alongside it’s original English, with more languages coming. Additionally, we will include resources in all available languages. This represents a big step in bringing this important knowledge to more people around the world in an accessible way.

Leadership in newborn health, and beyond.

Since its inception in 2010, HNN has been under the leadership and guidance of Save the Children. With this update, we’ve decided to elevate this relationship, bringing Save the Children’s decades of leadership in newborn health to the forefront.

This will not change HNN’s mission or vision, it will allow us to thrive in new ways.

A graphic illustration depicting, on the left, a red circular shape with a cartoon world map. Five illustrated people are imposed over the continents, with red lines connecting them. The right contains an orange circle, with a cartoon image of a woman at a laptop with a lightbulb in a thought bubble over her head. Two arrows connect the circles, indicating connectivity. Text over the circles say "Global Network Save the Children" and " Healthy Newborn Network Local Knowledge"Save the Children works globally and has an extensive, localized network; HNN can take advantage of that global network to bring more local knowledge to the world. Collaboration has been key to HNN since its inception; we will continue to prioritize content and input from the entire global health community. Our goal is to remove the ownership of information by any one organization, country, or thematic area by breaking down the barriers to information and making knowledge more equitable. We’re thrilled to have Save the Children leading HNN as we move forward into this new era.

We hope you enjoy exploring the new HNN. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, comments, or just want to say hi!