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Integrating PMTCT and MNCH is a complex and lengthy process, entailing coordinated interventions and activities at multiple levels of the health system—from the level of the community and provider to that of the policymaker. PMTCT/MNCH integration is a work in progress that is just beginning in some countries and fully implemented in others, but it is still in need of rigorous study to determine bene?ts and identify the most promising models. This technical brief provides an overview of the practical and policy components of integration, including: 1) an outline of the clinical considerations of integrating PMTCT and MNCH; 2) a description of strategies for developing policies that support integration of HIV services within the continuum of maternal care; 3) details about some of the particular challenges of PMTCT/MNCH integration; and 4) a list of selected resources that are available online.

Brief / Fact Sheet