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The ENAP Metrics working group is co-chaired by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and has a mandate to work with all partners involved with ENAP to ensure the milestones in the Action Plan related to metrics are met on time, and tools and learning are shared and available in open access for widespread use in countries. This series of Every Newborn metrics report cards summarises the status of the data, including what can be used now, an ambitious approach to improving the data, and how those interested can find out more.

Every Newborn Action Plan Metrics Data Report Cards 1 & 2 
These introductory report cards provide an overview of ENAP Metrics’ work streams and highlight the top newborn measurement priorities.

Every Newborn Data Report Card: Measuring Care for Small and Sick Newborns
This report card presents a summary of the research that has been prioritised to enable standardised and more feasible routine measurement for care for small and sick newborns.

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