Featured content:
- Maternal and Child Health Division (MCHD) of iccdr,b shares findings from the implementation of Pulse Oximetry at IMCI corners in Kushtia
- UNICEF support to strengthen the capacity of service providers on pediatric standards including safe and rational use of oxygen therapy for hypoxemia management COVID 19
- Optimizing place of treatment and antibiotic regimens for young infants presenting with signs of possible serious bacterial infection (PSBI Trial)
- USAID’s MaMoni MNCSP engaging private sector for improving quality of sick newborn care at SCANU in Noakhali District
This newsletter focuses primarily on evidence-based interventions prioritized by the Government of Bangladesh for accelerating the reduction of newborn deaths of the country. The content was prepared by the Newborn and Child Health Cell, under the leadership of NNH & IMCI unit DGHS and supported by MaMoni-MNCSP funded by USAID.