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“Caring for Sick Children in the Community” is a free digital training for community health workers (CHWs) on how to identify and treat diarrhoea, malnutrition, fever, HIV, TB, and other common childhood illnesses.

Trained community health workers (CHWs) can help identify the early signs of illness, take action to prevent serious illness, and save lives. Continuous access to information on signs and symptoms, home care techniques, and guidance on when to refer families to health facilities is critical in supporting CHWs to provide the best possible care.

Digital Medic at Stanford University co-developed this digital course with Lwala Community AllianceOne to One Children’s FundPhilani Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition Trust, and an advisory group of CHWs. The content complements standard training, provides additional guidance on key topics, and is aligned with best practices outlined by the World Health Organization and UNICEF as well as the Ministries of Health of Kenya and South Africa.

  • capacity-development-training
  • child
  • community
  • health-care-workers
  • health-systems
  • infection
  • integrated-community-case-management-iccm
  • integrated-management-of-childhood-illness-imci
  • morbidity
  • pneumonia
  • quality-of-care
  • severe-infections