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The Connect project, known as Shongzog in Bangla, implements community-based interventions to increase postpartum family planning (PPFP) use and improve uptake and timing of postnatal care (PNC) among first time mothers (FTMs), and have potential for sustainability through institutionalization in existing government and community health systems. A baseline study was conducted as part of an ongoing cluster-randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of Shongzog’s approaches. Data was collected through quantitative surveys with 2,308 FTMs ages 14-25 in Noakhali and Madaripur districts. The surveys included questions on adoption and continuation of PPFP, uptake and timing of facility-based PNC for mother and baby, as well as other key indicators to deepen understanding of the factors that influence PPFP adoption and PNC use for FTMs.

Click here to view the quantitative survey that was used.

Toolkits / Training Materials
  • adolescent
  • family-planning
  • first-time-parents
  • postnatal-care-pnc