Oct 23, 2017
Essential Newborn Care (ENC) | Data/Statistics | Policy | Advocacy | Complications | Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
ENAP and EPMM Metrics and HMIS Indicators Workshop
Kathmandu 10-12 October, 2017
UNICEF, World Health Organization, UNFPA, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, BMGF and USAID convened a joint workshop in Kathmandu. Eighty participants from 12 countries met to discuss how data systems can be improved to help end preventable maternal and newborn deaths. There is a unique opportunity to invest in national health management information systems to record and report accurate data for maternal and newborn health care programmes. Improved health information systems would ensure better tracking of progress, and provide better evidence for policy making.
During the three-day workshop, global partners provided technical updates on global progress on maternal and newborn metrics. Countries shared their experience and best practices on health management information systems and district health information systems for maternal and newborn health. Countries also developed follow-up actions/plan and monitoring and evaluation plan for their individual countries. Global partners reiterated to provide the required technical support to countries.
Discussions revolved around focusing on data that is really needed and would be used for quality improvement and health system improvements. MCSP presented a diverse picture of maternal and newborn indicators’ use in different countries and lack of consistency. Country teams voiced their need for guidance and clarity on definitions and selection of MNH indicators, nominators and denominators; and help to strengthen ‘response’ for MDSR and build capacity for perinatal death audits.
A consensus was reached on a short list of MNH indicators for inclusion in HMIS and next steps including further consultations by Metrics group and finalization of a concept note on core list of MNH indicators for inclusion to HMIS by end January 2018.
List of workshop presentations and materials can be accessed here.