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Journal Article

Dec 6, 2023

Antenatal Care (ANC) | Maternal

Maternal health in the perinatal period and beyond -Lancet Global Health Series


Executive Summary: Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, our world has transformed substantially. Despite this change, the approaches to addressing maternal health challenges globally have largely remained the same According to the latest round of estimates, maternal mortality ratio has stagnated globally, underscoring the urgent need for new approaches to meet relevant Sustainable Development Goal targets. To truly leave no one behind, it is essential to expand focus beyond maternal survival, and address the broader impact of pregnancy and childbirth on women—and not just their infants—throughout their lives and across generations. Recognising and modifying adverse contexts that shape the journey through pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, and addressing maternal complications beyond the customary 6-week postpartum period, are crucial first steps towards implementing a holistic, human rights-based approach to addressing maternal health challenges. This Series provides the scientific basis for embracing new perspectives in tackling global maternal health issues.
